Elite Dance Experiences
Dancers ages 7 and older worldwide are invited to submit a video audition to be considered for the 2024 Lightning Elite performance teams.
Dancers submitting video auditions are automatically considered for scholarships.
Be sure to include:
Dancers name
Dancers age as of July 11th 2024 - Disneyland Applicants
Dancers age as of October 28th 2024 - Walt Disney World Applicants
Country of residence
Youtube link of your performance*
*Videos can be from competition/recital etc or in studio. Solo performances are ideal. You may submit more than one video if you'd like to submit multiple styles.
Submit your audition to: info@lightningelite.ca
Music Theatre performers ages 8 and older worldwide are invited to submit a video audition to be considered for the 2020 Lightning Elite 54 Below performance and training intensive. Your video audition should demonstrate your vocal ability singing a music theatre song. Song choice can be uptempo or ballad, contemporary or golden age, whatever best showcases your abilities!
Performers submitting video auditions are automatically considered for scholarships.
Be sure to include:
Performers name
Performers age as of July 1st 2025
Country of residence
Youtube link of your performance*
*Videos can be from competition/recital etc or in studio. Performers must sing solo, show footage with other actors on stage is fine as long as only one performer is singing.
Submit your audition to: info@lightningelite.ca